Journal of Speech and Language Pathology

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For Reviewers

Information for Reviewers

JSLP Editorial Staff welcomes Experts of manuscripts to participate in the process of reviewing. The two prerequisites to become a reviewer are: experience in professional practice and academic achievements in the relevant field of expertise. The cooperation will prove beneficial for both parties. Authors will be assured that their papers are reviewed by competent assessors and the reviewers will gain additional experience in their field of expertise to be included in the list of their professional achievements.
To become a reviewer, it is enough to fill in the form About the reviewer and forward it to the email address of our Editorial Office. The competence of the applicant will be assessed by members of our Editorial Advisory Board, who will decide whether a given applicant may be enlisted as a JSLP expert. Applicants will be notified about the Board’s decision by email. Reviewers are not required to renew their applications (should changes occur, please resubmit the form). The Board’s decision to include the applicant in the JSLP list of experts will be valid until written resignation is submitted by a given expert.
Papers submitted to our Editorial Office will be selected on the basis of their field of expertise and then forwarded by email to a relevant Expert. Reviewers will be supplied with more detailed information together with the first paper for revision.

About the reviewers

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